Saturday, 20 March 2010

Penang's Gay Hub

There's this big hue and cry that Penang has become a Gay Hub, this was mentioned in The Malaysia Newspapers lately. It's strange really that this has become an issue simply because Penang is a Chinese State and is currently governed by the Opposition. Maybe this is the reason why the unwanted publicity given, mind you, Penang was Gay friendly where back even under the governance The Federal Government. I wouldn't think that Tan Sri Dr.Kho or Mr.Lim Guan Eng would see this as an issue.

Perhaps we lack civil mindedness that all peoples irrespective of sexuality, colour, creed & religion have a place under the Malaysian Sun. Gays. Lesbians, Bisexuals & Transsexuals make up a part of the world's growing population, the number only increases and mind you, most gay men around the world and in Malaysia are highly educated and are serving their respective nations in very respectable positions in the The Corporate Sector & various other booming industries that contribute significantly to the economy.

What bothers me even more is the fact that once again, the Civil Liberties & Human Rights of Non Muslims are being intruded, Penang is Chinese and the Chinese of Penang are major contributors to the Malaysia economy. We are taking several steps back each day in terms of civil liberties and human rights, privacy has been intruded, even to the extent of planting cameras into people's homes and bedrooms.

We should just look at Singapore, they have been and are very gay friendly, infact a huge part of their economy thrives on the Pink Dollar and various business cater for the Pink Market and mind you, the Pink Market is highly lucrative, from Skin care products, entertainment, body hair removal, SPAs, GYMs, Eateries, etc... Singapore has proven in this sense to be a first world country while Malaysia still crawls behind as a Third World Country. Malaysians often get offended with this statement but it's time we look at ourselves in the Mirror.

If we do have any sense of knowledge and education, we would understand that Gay people do not cause any harm or issues to this country or any parts of the world for that matter and once again, one will be astonished as to how highly educated and highly flying gay men are in this country and around the world. Their market is huge and they are big spenders too, this is something that Singapore managed to conquer!

Time and Time again, religion is used as a Passport to being to intrudence, we use The Police on Gay people, we are certainly an international disgrace. How could it be the jurisdiction of the police to intrude in a person's lifestyle and sexuality? This is utterly disgusting and barbaric and it smacks of the government's narrow mindedness while upholding moral policing which is none of their blooming business! All citizens, irrespective of sexuality, class, creed, colour and religion are citizens with voting rights, we vote for the government not for them to Moral Police us or to sit in our lives or bedrooms and even more barbaric using the Draconian Penal Code on Gays while bringing in The Police and Uniformed Forces to intrude into people's civil rights to lifestyle and sexuality! A Third World Country most certainly!