Time and time again we see newly born infants or still borns thrown into dustbins or disposed in some place. Now you be very honest, everyones knows that it's highly rampant among the majority race of this country, just as drug abuses.
It's time the government and Syariah Courts look at it from a holistic point in order the help prevent such issues. Firstly, they must look at the family background of the unwed parent, trust me, it wouldn't be a pretty sight where it's a broken family with the father having married more than once and the mother having to cope with the football team! it goes on further that the mother has her own multiple issues and the list of issues goes on.
As the Country's Top Police CEO has mentioned, we have to be compassionate to these unwed parents rather that rushing into Syariah Punishments and harsh disciplinary action both by the courts and the families of the unwed. The harshness that unwed parents are subjected to, forces them to throw their newly born infants. Yes, This is happening because of the the conservatism of these families and draconian attitudes. These families and the Syariah Courts must cease their old approach because it's only encouraging more babies to be thrown into the garbage trash!
To begin with, this hardly happens in races out from the main race of this country simply because many parents from the second and third and other minority races have a different approach with their children and first and foremost, the home was still seen as comfort to children, they hardly need to seek love from outside as their parents are together and their families are generally happy.
It's time the Government and Syariah realises that more babies will be thrown due to broken families of their own race. And should they face unwed parents who have children, do not forget that unwed parents have human rights and civil liberties too. Stop your draconian mentality of wanting to punish. Punishment is in itself highly draconian and doesn't resolve or prevent the issue or more issues happening!