Long gone were the days of women having to be reminded that their lives are restricted to the kitchen and being a submissive housewife. If this still happens in this time and age, i say it smacks of feudalistic draconianism!
I strong believe that women today must equip themselves with education, knowledge and independence, they must be given their every human right and civil liberties to choose their fields of interest, graduate and grow, women have to make their own success and really this helps in a large way if their marriages don't work as they is no longer any guarantee in marriage, it's just a mere certificate.
However conservative or religious you are, you can't be in denial that the reality is that marriage is just a mere certificate and guarantees nothing to a woman, for all the worth, it may only be temporary security. Hence it's more vital today that women strive to be well educated, career minded and competitive while being foresighted and well equipped with their own armour. They must be self independent and get rid of their parent's mentality that their security is determined by "investing" in a "good marriage". Not any more babes! Not anymore! Stand Up, Stand Tall & Be All that You Can Be, you are not restricted in anyway due to your sex. You have all the opportunity to be on par or even better than men! Just look at the Universities and Colleges in Malaysia, Females make up majority of all intakes! My Salutations to You Malaysian Women! Wanita Malaysia Boleh !!!