(BBC) - Gordon Brown says he is "going to fight every inch of the way and every second of the day" until Thursday. Joined in Basildon and Ipswich by celebrity supporter Duncan Bannatyne, the prime minister admits he is "fighting for my life" in what he describes as "a post global-financial-crisis election".
David Cameron, in Blackpool, says there is not "one ounce of complacency" in his bid to be prime minister and will campaign non-stop from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, meeting fishermen, bakers and florists who work in the early hours of the morning.
Nick Clegg visits several constituencies in south London and warns David Cameron is wrong to presume he will be the next prime minister of the UK. He says the Conservative leader is "already measuring up the curtains for No 10" before anyone has cast their vote.
David Cameron, in Blackpool, says there is not "one ounce of complacency" in his bid to be prime minister and will campaign non-stop from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, meeting fishermen, bakers and florists who work in the early hours of the morning.
Nick Clegg visits several constituencies in south London and warns David Cameron is wrong to presume he will be the next prime minister of the UK. He says the Conservative leader is "already measuring up the curtains for No 10" before anyone has cast their vote.